Dr Wheatgrass - helping every body

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Exciting discovery

Wheatgrass heals severe burns

Wheatgrass aids stroke recovery


Topical Steroid Withdrawal

Infantile Eczema

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Wheatgrass stops bleeding

Great success with horses

A Medical Doctor's Guide to Wheatgrass Healing

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 Wheatgrass New Zealand Limited



Molluscum contagiosum (pox virus) responds to wheatgrass

This 8 year old girl had suffered from molluscum for over a year. As well as being itchy, she was highly self-conscious of the unsightly spots affecting her back, upper thighs and behind both knees. They were also spreading. From time to time some of the spots became inflamed and were quite painful. Her mother had tried numerous remedies, none of which worked, and was very concerned about the problem. She was told by her doctor to wait a couple of years, and they would disappear.

I commenced her on wheatgrass spray twice daily on 29 July, 2005. Eighteen days later (see photographs below) spots are disappearing (arrows & circles) and have stopped spreading.

After 7 weeks of treatment (19 September), most of the spots have almost gone or are beginning to break down prior to disappearing.

Lower back(click for larger image) Upper back(click for larger image)

Molluscum and Wheatgrass - Instructions for Use

Mother's testimonial
19 September, 2005
I am a busy working mum and my daughter who has suffered from Molluscum has had these for over a year. In sheer desperation I had taken her out of swimming class and ready to take her to the children's hospital as the molluscums were so bad. Now, thanks to you, the molluscums are on the way out. It had taken just a total of 6 weeks and I can now say that I am very satisfied with the result. My daughter suffered irritation from the molluscums, swelling, redness as big as the palm of your hand, itchy and extremely uncomfortable, and not to mention embarrassing. One week after using the wheat grass we noticed a big difference. We both have confidence that this solution has worked for us and cannot thank you enough for your support.

27 October, 2005
I just wanted to let you know that after I had sent my testimonial to you it was a week later that I checked Laura's body for any further changes. What I found was that ALL the Molluscums had gone, No signs at all of any Molluscums. We were so pleased. Laura is back swimming again and wearing low back tops and is on top of the world. THANK YOU for all your support.
G. O. Melbourne, Australia