Dr Wheatgrass - helping every body

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Wheatgrass heals severe burns

Wheatgrass aids stroke recovery


Topical Steroid Withdrawal

Infantile Eczema

Other skin disorders

Wheatgrass stops bleeding

Great success with horses

A Medical Doctor's Guide to Wheatgrass Healing

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 Wheatgrass New Zealand Limited



Messages from Dr Chris

How to use Wheatgrass for best results
December 2017

Having used wheatgrass therapeutically since 1995, I have learned much from the many thousands of patients I have treated successfully, and many others who have provided feedback via my "Ask Dr Chris" page, and from numerous testimonials.

Wheatgrass most likely works by "signalling" feedback about damaged or poorly functioning areas of the body to the brain. In turn, the brain does what it can to remedy the problem.
However, if you use wheatgrass too frequently, whether applied to the skin or taken orally, this can sometimes slow the healing process. Wheatgrass is also a catalyst, so only a small amount is needed at any given time. So don't waste it!

For injuries, skin conditions etc. apply just a little wheatgrass spray or balm over the affected area once every second day.

For a boost to your immune system and general good health, take a small dose of wheatgrass extract (Supershots) - half a teaspoonful for children, one teaspoonful for adults - again, on alternate days only - and persevere.

Dr. Chris Reynolds. M.B.,B.S.

Topical steroid withdrawal: a global epidemic
April 2015

Also known as 'Red skin syndrome', topical steroid withdrawal occurs when people with eczema are treated for long periods with topical steroid applications. E.g. hydrocortisone. One estimate suggests 250 million suffer from this condition globally.

When the patient tries to stop the drugs, their skin flares up. Pain, itching, peeling, weeping, red, inflamed, broken skin can even lead to emergency hospital admission for treatment of infection.

Most doctors attribute this "reaction" to eczema and deny the symptoms are actually caused by withdrawal from the steroids. But a renowned dermatologist, Dr. Marvin Rapaport in the US thinks they are in denial. Watch his convincing argument in this video. [2]

And, because I have helped thousands of these patients overcome their dependence on topical steroids using wheatgrass extract to help control rebound symptoms, I agree with him.

BUT, I don't agree that these patients should simply stop their drugs and go 'cold turkey'. Why? Because wheatgrass can significantly shorten the withdrawal period and assist recovery of the often severely damaged skin, back to its normal state.


That's right. The wheatgrass extract I use for treating a number of conditions is really quite potent. Why? Because wheatgrass is a CATALYST! It increases the rate of biochemical reactions on the skin and inside the body. So you don't need to use much when applying it to skin or injuries or taking it orally.


Kind regards,
Dr. Chris Reynolds. M.B.,B.S.

Wheatgrass aids stroke recovery
February 2014

For the past 19 years I have researched and worked with wheatgrass looking for ways to assist healing and improve quality of life.

During this time, I have seen numerous healing "phenomena", something one rarely sees in orthodox medical practice. (See www.drwheatgrass.com for many examples.)

In January this year, while working as a volunteer GP at a small clinic in Viseisei, Fiji, I was fortunate enough to witness the most remarkable healing phenomenon I have ever seen.

A stroke victim who had been paralysed down the left side for 7 years was able to open his clenched, stroke-affected hand about 10 minutes after application of a small amount of wheatgrass Skin Recovery Cream. Over the following week, with daily application of wheatgrass, he gained almost full movement of his arm and leg and he is now able to drive a car.

Because it has always been generally accepted that strokes are irreversible, it had never occurred to me to see if wheatgrass extract could assist recovery of joint movement in neurologically compromised patients.

Thankfully, I have been proven wrong. Twice.

I would therefore like to share these two events with you in these video clips that I took "off the cuff" with my mobile phone during a very busy clinic.

It is however, important to note that it is impossible to say whether wheatgrass will work in other stroke patients. It really comes down to giving it a try, but the high safety factor of wheatgrass (it is essentially a food) could make it worthwhile. Both the Skin Recovery Cream and the Spray worked well in these two patients when applied daily over stiffened joints.

Kind regards,
Dr. Chris Reynolds. M.B., B.S.

Wheatgrass for toothache
December 2012

A burly truck driver, in tears and holding a face resembling a football came into my office late one afternoon. He wanted strong painkillers to tide him over until he got to the dentist next morning.

Standard analgesics being of little use in this situation, he would normally have to suffer until the dentist drained the abscess under his tooth. Luckily for him, he had come to the right place.

My bottle of Superbalm always at the ready, I gently applied some over the swollen cheek. Clearly displeased with my effort, he demanded strong pain killers. I asked him to wait a few minutes.

Sure enough (I had seen it many times before, so I knew what to expect) in about five minutes, the tears stopped and a smile of amazement spread over his face as his pain subsided. Unfortunately, it would return in an hour or two, but armed with a small jar of Superbalm and some antibiotics, he would at least get some sleep.

How can this be explained? There are possibly many reasons, but two of them we do know something about.

Wheatgrass contains a natural anti-inflammatory called apigenin, a potent natural substance that reduces the swelling, redness and pain of injured tissues. Secondly, in laboratory tests, wheatgrass slows production of Substance P, a nerve transmitter that increases our ability to sense pain.

Whatever the bioactives may be, clinical observation strongly suggests they are rapidly bsorbed through the skin into the deep tissues underneath.

This most likely accounts for wheatgrass easing the pain of fractures, sunburn, cancer-affected bones, soft tissue injuries, shingles and many other painful conditions simply by applying it to the skin over the affected area. Just like I did with the truckie with toothache.

I'm never without my wheatgrass. It works so well in so many situations.

Kind regards, and warmest and best wishes for the Festive Season.
Dr. Chris Reynolds. M.B., B.S.

Wheatgrass for ulcerative colitis
August 2012

Ulcerative colitis (UC) is a relatively common condition that causes ulcers and inflammation on the wall of the large bowel and rectum.

Classic symptoms include abdominal pain, bleeding, diarrhea, fatigue, weight loss and anemia. The condition mainly affects males and females in the 15 to 30 age group. There may be an underlying hereditary predisposition.

There are a number of theories regarding the cause of UC. One suggests that the body's immune system reacts abnormally to the bacteria that normally live in the large bowel. In other words there is most likely an autoimmune component involved. I would agree because wheatgrass, which can help these patients, is a potent immune modulator, something no pharmaceutical company has so far been able to produce.

Daily consumption of wheatgrass has improved the condition of a number of my UC patients who took one 5ml Supershot a day. Treatment usually consists of anti-inflammatory drugs and/or steroids which can usually help the patient maintain a reasonable quality of life. However, there can be serious adverse effects such as nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.

Scientific support for wheatgrass for UC came in a clinical trial of 23 ulcerative colitis patients in Israel where it was found to have very positive and no adverse effects.

The simple message is that if you have any kind of auto-immune disorder, it will not harm you to try wheatgrass. In fact, it could do you a lot of good.

Kind regards,
Dr. Chris Reynolds. M.B.,B.S.

Hello from Dr Wheatgrass HQ
June 2012

As you may already know, we receive numerous accolades about Dr Wheatgrass products from satisfied clients worldwide. However, we just came across a couple of well-produced ads on a high-profile website telling the world how good our Superbalm and Skin Recovery Spray are.

You should know that we had no involvement in this venture whatsoever. It's simply another business paying their respects to a couple of great products they sell - and we make.

You may like to use them or tell your friends about them. The word is spreading.

Here are the links:

All the best,
Chris Reynolds

October 2010

Taking wheatgrass daily in any form - Supershots, fresh juice, tablets, powder - is important for everyone. By keeping our immune systems strong, it helps resist disease from without e.g.
bacterial and viral infections, and from within by suppressing development of cancer cells.

If you do take wheatgrass, I wonder if you've ever felt a "rush" soon afterwards? This is a common, but harmless phenomenon, although it can cause brief light-headedness. Why this happens remains a mystery. These symptoms however suggest that biologically active wheatgrass molecules are penetrating the mucous membrane in the mouth directly into the blood stream, then going straight to the brain.

Because these molecules are so powerful, even if you toss wheatgrass straight down your throat the rush can still occur. However, much of the health-giving goodness of wheatgrass will be destroyed in your stomach acid. So holding wheatgrass in your mouth for a couple of minutes to allow maximal absorption of bioactives is the best way to go.

Some people find it easy to gulp down fresh wheatgrass juice, but for ordinary mortals like me, it can be quite a struggle, not to mention the after taste! It was this unpalatable experience that drove me to develop pleasant tasting, non-odorous Supershots. And, because the wheatgrass sprout concentrate we use is so strong, 5mls a day is enough.

My own experience taking wheatgrass daily since 1995 is remarkable. Colds and flu that used to plague me (health carer's occupational hazard) have all but disappeared. I take no medication and my health is excellent. I put in a 17 hour day without tiring and have energy to burn.

Similar stories abound, and Ann Wigmore, the lady who brought wheatgrass juicing to the world in the 70's lived to over 90. Unfortunately, she died of smoke inhalation in a fire! I often wonder how much longer she might have lived taking wheatgrass daily.

Dr. Chris Reynolds. M.B.,B.S.

First Aid for Everyone
September 2010

After eight decades waiting in the wings, the remarkable healing properties of wheatgrass are once again being recognised. During this period, wheatgrass/chlorophyll medical research has
developed into a large body of evidence supporting its therapeutic benefits.

Wheatgrass was used clinically by many physicians and surgeons in the 1930's and 40's. Fresh wheatgrass compresses and the juice itself were applied to post-operative wounds, fractures and severe burns with great success.

In 1940, Dr. Benjamin Gruskin in the American Journal of Surgery sang the praises of chlorophyll for its ability to clear up foul smelling (human) odors, neutralize streptococcal (bacterial) infections, heal wounds, hasten skin graft healing, cure chronic sinusitis, overcome inner-ear inflammation and infection, reduce varicose veins, heal leg ulcers, eliminate impetigo and other scabby eruptions, heal rectal sores, (e.g. anal fissure), successfully treat inflammation of the uterine cervix, get rid of parasitic vaginal infections, and cure advanced pyorrhea (gum infection).

I can personally vouch for most of the above as I have achieved similar results in clinical practice. Also, compared with other remedies, wheatgrass is top of the list for injuries at home, school, work and on the playing field. It should be included in every first aid kit.

To quote wheatgrass guru and author of "Wheatgrass - Nature's Finest Medicine" Steve Meyerowitz:

"Wheatgrass is great to have around the house for cuts, bruises, rashes, burns and bangs. Make a bandage from gauze dipped in wheatgrass juice. Even better, re-dip the pulp and put a little under the bandage. If it is a large wound, wrap it in soaked gauze or pulp and protect it
with a towel to prevent dripping."

Or, make life even easier. If you have any Dr Wheatgrass topicals on hand - cream, gel, spray or balm - use that instead. I hope you won't need it, but if you do, I think you will be very pleasantly surprised.

Until you use wheatgrass, it is hard to appreciate just how rapidly it reduces swellings, takes the sting out of burns and bites, and heals wounds, frequently without leaving scars. You don't need a prescription - and it works.

Dr. Chris Reynolds. M.B., B.S.

Burns. Get better results with wheatgrass
July 2010

Most of us have been burned (physically) at some time or other. Some burns are much more severe than others, but I'm talking about first and second degree burns - the ones that don't usually require hospital admission, but may need a number of trips to your GP for initial treatment, analgesics, perhaps antibiotics and frequent regular dressings. If the burn is deep or it becomes infected, treatment could go on for a month or more and sometimes skin grafts are required.

How does one treat burns? And what about sunburn? Bright red shoulders and sleepless nights. Other than cooling the burn immediately by running cold water over it for 5 to 10 minutes, there is little if anything that makes much difference - except wheatgrass. Let me illustrate using one of my own patients' experience.

An 18 year old university student approaching final examinations spilt boiling hot soup over her hand while waitressing at a nearby restaurant. She had what appeared to be second degree burns and the whole palm was affected. She was in severe pain. Desperate that her final examinations were imminent (she writes with the burnt hand), she was also facing eviction for overdue rent. If she didn't work, she would be on the street.

At least two to three weeks off work. Painful, difficult daily dressing changes, wound debridement, pain management, infection risk and a possible allergic reaction from antibiotic creams crossed my mind as possibities. High medical costs to her employer would also be on the cards. He would need replacement staff and expect an increase in workers' compensation insurance costs.

After soaking and cleansing the wound, I applied wheatgrass Skin Recovery Cream[1] and a thick, firm dressing as protection and prescribed a strong analgesic. I told her she would most likely be able to return to work the next day, but she tearfully shook her head. She came in early the next morning minus the bandage, looking very happy and ready for work. Her pain had disappeared around midnight. She had a full range of pain-free movement of the hand and fingers, and there was no tenderness over the burn, blistering or broken skin. The palm was mildly red, but that was all. Neither bandage nor antibiotics were required and much to her employer's relief, she resumed work immediately.

I have seen many burns recover as quickly and I often wonder if there are other equally effective topicals available. Wheatgrass reduces or prevents blistering and fluid loss, minimises the risk of bacterial infection and prevents scarring. Even if skin is lost, it regenerates much more quickly than by conventional treatments.

How does wheatgrass achieve such remarkable healing? It is a potent natural anti-inflammatory, but it also appears to influence gene expression - the rate at which DNA produces various proteins involved in the healing process. Exactly what this process is, is unknown, but chlorophyll was used for burns treatment in the 30's (see research[2]). Standard medical treatment for burns is application of silver sulfadiazine, an anti-bacterial cream. This helps prevent infection, but it does nothing for healing.

Imagine the potential savings to the insurance and health industries if doctors were open to using wheatgrass for burns. It's cheap, effective, no prescription is required - and it works.

Interesting related topics:
»» Some other types of wheatgrass healing
»» Wheatgrass quickly heals sickly skin graft
»» Dog bites dog. Wheatgrass to the rescue
»» Burns - wheatgrass testimonials

Groin Pain In Sport
September 2009

Athletes frequently suffer from groin pain. This can have a profoundly negative effect on physical performance, mental attitude and the will to win - but it can be cured.

Usually labelled osteitis pubis or "OP", the pain most often originates from inflammation of the insertion of the large adductor muscles into the pubic bone deep in the groin - so-called adductor tendonitis. These muscles are located on the inside of the thigh and are responsible for pulling the leg in towards the midline. (See figure) Sometimes X-ray examination can show changes to this attachment area, but there is no consensus regarding their significance. Pain can occur while exercising or even at rest and the affected area may be very tender when pressed.

One of the least understood injuries in sports medicine, OP creates heartsink for doctors, physiotherapists, trainers and other sports-related health professionals. Why? Because they know there is little can be done about it other than surgery which doesn't always work and that the athlete could be out of action for some time.

All manner of treatments are used by trainers, physiotherapists, etc. - ice, heat, rest, exercise, massage, anti-inflammatory medication - oral and topical. Results are usually disappointing and the condition often becomes chronic.

The following is a true story which prompted me to write this article.

Recently I saw a 40 year old jockey who had suffered groin pain since age 10. The pain was so bad his quality of life was virtually ruined. Surgeons even explored inside his scrotum as they thought the pain may be coming from his testicle, but everything was normal.

My examination revealed marked limitation of leg movement and exquisite tenderness over the insertion of his adductor muscles. A classic case of OP!

I massaged in a little Superbalm over the tender area. Ten minutes later he had full movement of his leg and walked without pain for the first time in 30 years. At follow up a month later, he remained pain-free.

Hard to believe, I know, but you have my word for it... and this patient was only one of many I have treated over the years who also recovered from OP using wheatgrass. So far, I have not had a treatment failure.

How does it work? Wheatgrass can act as a powerful anti-inflammatory. This may have something to do with pain relief, but when it works so quickly as in this case, the cause of OP (generally regarded as disordered musculo-skeletal mechanics) needs to be reviewed. It can hardly be due solely to mechanical causes. One must therefore find another mechanism.

My theory, based on thousands of clinical observations and considerable research over 15 years, suggests there may be an autoimmune component to the pain of OP. When an individual is under sustained physical and mental pressure, the body's immune system can become compromised. The immune system then attacks normal tissue such as tendon attachments in OP and plantar fasciitis. Wheatgrass, being a potent immunomodulator, is able to eliminate part or all of this component.

This may or may not be so, but I believe I'm on the right track simply because wheatgrass works for OP better than any other treatment modality I am aware of.

Dr. Chris Reynolds. M.B.,B.S

Non-healing Leprosy Ulcers. Wheatgrass Makes A Difference
March 2009

The terrorist attacks in downtown Mumbai having recently shaken the world, arriving at the International Airport a few weeks later made me a bit apprehensive.

Terrorists or no, I was determined to complete my mission: to learn as much as I could about leprosy during my brief stay in India. Although the disease is still prevalent in northern Australia, I had never actually seen a case.

Leprosy affects mainly the nerves, skin and mucous membranes. Patients can lose sensation and motor activity such as inability to move joints. Sensory loss is patchy and predominantly affects the hands and feet. Because affected skin is anaesthetised, the patient is unaware if it has been injured or broken. Once this happens, an ulcer readily forms which can last the patient's lifetime. Many persist for 30 years or more.

Surgery e.g. skin grafting, can help but there is no satisfactory medical treatment available. Even if the leprosy is cured, the ulcers tend to remain.

So we tested our Skin Recovery Spray on a patient who had ulcers on the sole of his foot that had been present for a year. After three months' treatment, it had healed significantly.

We subsequently decided to perform a pilot study of 20 patients. The results have been quite remarkable. For example, this ulcer over the front of the ankle and present for 2 years healed completely in 9 weeks. So far one quarter of the ulcers have healed.

Leprosy ulcer 2 years.
Pre-wheatgrass spray.
Wheatgrass spray
9 weeks. Healed.

The stigma of leprosy often leads to ostracism by family, friends, employers and the community which can be immensely damaging to patient morale, self-esteem and dignity. Depression is understandably common in these patients. The irony is that, contrary to popular opinion, the disease is not transmitted via skin contact, but from nasal droplet infection. This often takes a long time while living in cramped quarters.

Today in some parts of India, leprosy is still thought to be due to sinful behaviour. Unfortunately for patients and health workers, this type of myth has bedevilled leprosy sufferers for several thousand years.

Now there is a glimmer of hope for many of these unfortunate people. Healing their ulcers may, in time, remove a major impediment to them being once again accepted into the community at large.

  Dr. Laxminarayan Vardharajan Ph.D., ("Rajan"), Project Co-ordinator of the Leprosy Pilot Study in India, rides his new motorcycle, compliments of Dr Wheatgrass.

Rajan has spent 30 years working in close contact with leprosy patients, sharing their lives and treating their ulcers - with ungloved hands. He works hard to show leprosy is not easily transmitted to others.

Soft Tissue Injuries and SuperBalm

Because wheatgrass can stop both superficial and deep tissue bleeding, it is ideal for the treatment of soft tissue injuries. The new SuperBalm contains more than 300% more wheatgrass extract than the Skin Recovery Cream. It is therefore very potent. I have little doubt it will eventually replace ice, the only topical "treatment" currently available for soft tissue injuries.

Dr. Chris Reynolds. M.B.,B.S.

Leukemia and Wheatgrass
August 2008

Leukemia - A brief overview:
Leukemia literally means "white blood" and is a type of cancer that develops from the stem (immature) cells of the bone marrow. This results in massive over-production of abnormal "leukemic" white blood cells that "crowd out" normal white and red cells which reduces their development and effectiveness.

Normal white cells prevent infection by ridding the body of invading bacteria and other organisms. They also help kill the cancer cells that continually develop in the body. Because there aren't enough of these normal cells, the patient can develop infection, anemia, and easy bleeding. The latter is due to a reduction in blood platelets that normally help control bleeding. This can cause the skin to bruise easily or the gums to bleed.

There are a number of different types of leukemia, usually divided into acute (rapid development) and chronic (slow development) that are more prevalent in different age groups. For example, acute lymphoblastic leukemia is the most common form in young children, but it also occurs in adults.

Symptoms can be numerous, but common ones are fatigue, weight loss, night sweats, and frequent infections due to compromised immunity.

There is no single known cause for leukemia, but radiation e.g. natural radiation from the sun, viruses, chemicals and hereditary factors are all thought to predispose to the condition.

The most common treatment used is chemotherapy, and less frequently bone marrow transplants. Survival rates vary considerably depending on what type of leukemia the patient has.

I was prompted to write about leukemia and wheatgrass because of an encouraging email I received from a mother in Florida, USA whose 7 year old daughter is undergoing treatment for the condition. She wrote:

My 7 year old daughter, K. has Leukemia. The treatment for Leukemia is 2 1/2 years for girls and 3 1/2 years for boys. Being on Chemotherapy for years can be very destructive to the body.

When I purchased your products I must admit that I was really worried about it being a rip off. You must know that I am completely delighted with your products.

My daughter takes the Super shots every day, twice a day. Your Recovery Cream is unbelievable. K. got some sort of severe skin irritation from the chemo. It was swollen, cracking and very red. We applied the cream several times throughout a 48 hour period. Much to my astonishment the irritation started to heal right away and disappeared after two days. Now, she will let me know when an outbreak is starting to happen and your cream handles it immediately. Never, would I have dreamed that a product would work so well.

K. is the star of the Oncology clinic because she does not look like a cancer patient. Her skin is bright, eye's bright, physically she is strong and much to the amazement of the oncology team, she has had very little side effects for the amount of chemo she is getting. We are doing quite a bit of alternatives and yours is primary.

On the blood counts, K's counts have stayed pretty consistent for months. I never connected the possibility that the Super shots was directly related to this. Before the super shots her counts would go down to 100 for ANC, (Author's Note: A normal ANC* is above 1,500. An ANC less than 500 significantly increases the risk of infection.) and then come back up. The medical staff made this sound very normal. The last time K.'s count was very low was on the 14th of April. Since that time her counts have been in the 1000's. I do not recall exactly when we ordered, but think this correlates to using the shots. Her ANC has not dropped below 1000 since that time.

*Absolute Neutrophil Count. Neutrophils are white blood cells.

Numerous studies over the years have shown potent anti-cancer effects by wheatgrass and other cereals. As recently as 2007 (yes, they're still researching wheatgrass) Karadan (1) and his colleagues stated:

"Wheatgrass (Triticum vulgare/aestivum ) is a rich source of vitamins, antioxidants and minerals and has higher levels of cancer-fighting phenols and flavonoids in ethanol extracts than water extracts (e.g. by juicing). Flavonoids have been shown to have anticancer properties and can prevent some mutations that lead to cancer development."

Their study showed that wheatgrass extract (similar to the type I use with my patients) is capable of inhibiting growth as well as inducing death of human (acute lymphoblastic) leukemia cells significantly faster than non-blood cancer cells. Also, the response was dose dependent i.e. the stronger the extract, the quicker the cancer cells were killed.

There exists a large number of laboratory studies demonstrating the efficacy of wheatgrass (and other cereals) working against cancer development and progression. My own clinical experience and numerous anecdotes from around the world also attest to this.

Footnote: Wheatgrass and Alopecia

Alopecia areata is a common disorder where loss of (usually) scalp hair occurs, probably due to auto-immunity i.e. the patient's immune system goes awry and attacks normal body tissues causing damage.

There is really no satisfactory treatment of the condition, but I am glad to say I have had a number of patients regain full heads of hair using wheatgrass extract. This is most likely due to re-activation of dormant hair follicles under the skin. Click here to see how effective the extract can be.

1. Karadag, A. et al. Antiproliferative and apoptotic effects of wheatgrass (Triticum aestivum L.) extracts on chronic myeloid leukaemia (CML) cell line. Planta Med 2007; 73
See abstract:

Dr. Chris Reynolds. M.B.,B.S.

Breast Cancer, Chemotherapy, Radiation Therapy and Wheatgrass
March 2008

Wheatgrass Assists Patients Having Chemotherapy for Breast Cancer

Chemotherapy is notorious for causing adverse effects in many patients undergoing this type of treatment for cancer and can at times be life-threatening. One of the more serious consequences is myelotoxicity or damage to the bone marrow. This can cause significant falls in the level of red blood cells (anemia), white blood cells (reduced resistance to infection) and platelets (increased risk of bleeding). These effects can be reduced or prevented by using strong medications such as erythropoietin (EPO), but they can also cause serious, at times life-threatening side effects and are costly.

A study published last year (view abstract offsite) compared 60 (two groups of 30) chemotherapy patients being treated for breast cancer - one group taking 60mls of wheatgrass (WGJ) juice daily and the other group receiving regular supportive therapy, but no wheatgrass.

Researchers found 15 patients (50%) of the non-WGJ group required termination of treatment or other intervention in order to continue chemotherapy compared with only 15% of the WGJ group.

Over the years, I have known many patients sail through chemotherapy while taking wheatgrass with acceleration of post-treatment recovery. None of them required hospitalisation for management of side effects.

It has been known for many years that wheatgrass has a positive effect on red and white cell production. This may well be due to stimulation of growth factors which could explain some of the results of this study.

Wheatgrass Cream Reduces Skin Toxicity in X-Ray Treatment of Breast Cancer Patients.

Deep X-ray therapy for the treatment of breast cancer can be fraught with complications and adverse reactions called "skin toxicity". Essentially, this means that after treatment, the skin becomes inflamed, tends to blister and break down leading to pain, difficulty in management and wound infection. Because of skin toxicity, the patient has to wait much longer between treatments for the skin to recover sufficiently to allow the next treatment. This in turn tends to reduce the patient's chances of recovery.

For over 100 years the inability to succesfully manage skin toxicity has been a major management issue, and to date, nothing has been found that can significantly reduce it. Many topical substances have been trialled and tested over the years, but to no avail.

In this controlled, double-blind study, 29 breast cancer patients applied either sorbolene (current best practice) or a commercially produced wheatgrass-based cream (Dr Wheatgrass Antioxidant Skin Recovery Cream) to the irradiated area three times a day from commencement of radiotherapy.

The researchers determined that "the wheatgrass extract delays the severity of acute radiation skin toxicity" and, on the basis of their results, recommended "a larger multicentre randomised trial."

These findings do not surprise me. Wheatgrass has extraordinary healing and pain reducing effects for burns. The burn surface is covered with a layer of new cells within 48 hours thus preventing bacterial infection and loss of body fluids. As already mentioned above, this appears to be due to hyperstimulation of growth factors responsible for cell division and increased production of proteins essential to the healing process.

1. Bar-Sela G. et al. Wheat grass juice may improve hematological toxicity related to chemotherapy in breast cancer patients: a pilot study. Nutr Cancer. 2007; 58(1):43-8 (ISSN: 0163-5581)

2. Coulter, K. et al. Wheatgrass extract as a topical skin agent for acute radiation skin toxicity in breast radiation therapy: a randomised controlled trial.(Clinical report)
J. Aust. Trad. Med. Soc. 2006.

Dr. Chris Reynolds. M.B.,B.S.

Wheatgrass extract contains higher antioxidant levels than fresh juice
May 2007

Hello again from Dr. Chris.

As you know, antioxidants are a much discussed topic and there is a formidable amount of information about them on the internet as a quick search on Google Scholar will quickly demonstrate.

Basically, as oxygen is used up by the body's normal metabolic processes, potentially damaging chemicals called 'free radicals' are produced. Environmental chemicals can also increase free radical levels. In turn, the free radicals attack other cells in the body, oxidizing them and causing damage. This oxidizing process is somewhat similar to when the cut surface of an apple turns brown when exposed to the air.

Damage can affect cell membranes, DNA and other cellular structures. This can lead to such untoward developments as:

  • premature ageing
  • cancer
  • arterial damage
  • arthritis
  • cataracts in the eye
  • and some nervous disorders such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease.

Antioxidants help to neutralize the adverse effects of free radicals, so our diet needs to contain high enough levels to help prevent or slow these developments. Because wheatgrass is antioxidant-rich, taking it daily is one way of helping your body stay healthy.

Recent Antioxidant Research

In 2006 a group of Indian scientists (Kulkarni et. al.) performed an important study prompted by the knowledge that "the search is on for plant products with high antioxidant activities".

Anitoxidant levels (phenolic and flavonoid compounds) of water-based (i.e. wheatgrass juice) and alcohol-based extractions of wheatgrass were measured from plants grown under different growing conditions over periods from 6 to 15 days. These conditions included tap water, tap water with nutrients, soil and tap water and soil with nutrients.

These extracts were compared with a commercially available wheatgrass tablet.

The scientists found antioxidant levels were:
1. Highest at the end of the growing period (15 days).
2. Up to 250% higher in alcohol-extracted solutions compared with freshly juiced wheatgrass.
3. Highest in soil with nutrients.
4. Higher than many natural extracts and vegetables.
5. Significantly lower in the wheatgrass tablet compared with both fresh juice and alcohol-extracted solutions.

During the processing of my own wheatgrass extract, one of the steps involves alcohol extraction. From what I have observed in patient recovery clinically since 1995, I have no doubt wheatgrass has a very positive effect on the human body and on the skin. The benefits from daily ingestion of wheatgrass can really make a difference to one's health while many have enjoyed healthier skin after topical application.

For more information about wheatgrass, its therapeutic and health benefits, visit my website, Wheatgrass for Health Professionals or email me at info@wheatgrassprofessional.info.

Kind regards,
Dr. Chris Reynolds.

Dr. Chris' Wheatgrass At Work Newsletter
Sporting Injuries - Forget The Ice, Use Wheatgrass
October, 2007

Hello Everyone,

Recently I was in the change room at half-time at a local Highett Football Club game. Players were pressing plastic bags full of crushed ice against pulled muscles and bruises like security blankets. Knowing there was a better way, I wondered why ice is used at all for sports injuries. Ice does not stop bleeding either from the skin, the nose or from deeper tissues.

Researchers have shown that ice can cause inflammation and swelling in the deeper tissues which significantly slows recovery. (1) There also seems to be little agreement among experts about how how long ice should be applied. (2) Ice, ethyl chloride spray and other coolants may numb the skin and perhaps relieve pain a little, but essentially they do little if anything to assist or hasten tissue recovery.

Yet it appears these rather primitive methods are all that's available for emergency treatment of sports injuries. If they don't stop the bleeding that predisposes to slow healing and recovery, then they shouldn't be used. But what alternatives are there? Isn't there SOMETHING that does a better job? Yes, you guessed it - wheatgrass. And considering the enormous amount of playing and working time lost from sports injuries, not to mention the pain and disability they cause, it's time the sporting world woke up to this strikingly superlative alternative treatment method.

How can wheatgrass be more effective than ice?

Let's look at an example. The young footballer pictured below received a hefty boot to the head causing a massive bruise within minutes. On the right is the bruise less than 24 hours later. All it required to achieve this stunning result was to smear some wheatgrass cream over the bruise. No ice or compression was applied. It is not necessary because wheatgrass penetrates the skin, stops the underlying bleeding and rapidly reduces swelling, often within 24 hours.

Bruise + wheatgrass cream Less than 24 hours later

Any kind of injury can cause tissue damage. Blood vessels rupture and blood spreads into surrounding tissues causing inflammation and swelling. Pressure build-up then slows muscle, nerve and other tissue recovery.

So, the most important thing to do for any injury is STOP THE BLEEDING! Blood in the tissues can do a lot of damage. The sooner wheatgrass is applied, the sooner the deep and surface bleeding stops, swelling is reduced and blood supply returns to the damaged tissue. Rapid recovery is the usual outcome.

Too good to be true? Well, I can assure you it's not. I have used and extract of wheatgrass to treat numeorus injuries since 1995. It is without doubt a powerful hemostatic agent i.e. it stops bleeding quickly. Blood noses, open wounds, bruises, sprained ankles, cuts, scratches, abrasions and deep tissue injuries such as corked, torn or pulled muscles - usually respond quickly to wheatgrass. I can understand your scepticism but I can assure you this is very, very real.

But how does it work?

Wheatgrass is an amazing healing agent, and soft tissue injury healing is just one of the things it works for. But if you

read the following basic scientific explanation for these phenomena, it all starts to make sense.

For several years I have suggested that wheatgrass probably activates Growth Factors. These are small molecules that act as cell messengers to stimulate production by DNA of the numerous proteins required for the healing process. The immune system response, wound healing and stopping bleeding and absorption of blood clot are just a few of the functions vital to the maintenance and repair of damaged tissues mediated by Growth Factors.

I have researched the literature extensively since 1995 and made thousands of clinical observations - the head bruise shown opposite being a classic example - which strongly suggest that wheatgrass contains Growth Factor Activators. These activators may well turn out to be the elusive and so far unidentified Grass Juice Factor alluded to by Kohler in the 1930's. What they do is "kick start" and thereby facilitate the natural healing process by stimulating Growth Factor activity resulting in faster healing than would otherwise be expected.

So remember, the first priority in treating sports and other traumatic injuries is to STOP THE BLEEDING AS QUICKLY AS POSSIBLE. If you play sport or have anything to do with managing sports injuries, I can guarantee that if you use wheatgrass, you will see a very significant improvement in injury recovery time - and quickly. Too good to be true? Not at all. Try it and see.

Some injuries that respond well to wheatgrass:

* Pulled muscles (hamstrings, quadriceps, calf, loins, back)
* Groin injuries (osteitis pubis, adductor tendinitis)
* Blisters, abrasions, wounds, bruises, corks - heal in a few days, not weeks. Perfectly safe to use on open wounds.
* Muscle cramps
* Blood rule - stops bleeding in a few minutes
* Shin splints
* Achilles tendinitis
* Runners knee
* Sprained ankle

1. Meeusen R, Lievens P. The use of cryotherapy in sports injuries. Sports Med. 1986 Nov-Dec;3(6):398-414
2. MacAuley, D. Do textbooks agree on their advice on ice?Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine. 11(2):67-72, April 2001.

In my last newsletter I mentioned a young woman with multiple sclerosis (MS) who had been taking the wheatgrass Supershots for about 6 weeks. Sensation in both hands that had been absent for more than five years as a result of her illness, was returning. Well, I'm very pleased to say her sensation has now completely recovered when no other medication ever worked. You can read her inspiring testimonial here. Again, this may be Growth Factor Activators assisting recovery of damaged central nervous system cells - essential for recovery from this condition.

Kind regards,
Dr. Chris Reynolds.

This newsletter is sponsored by Wheatgrass Pty. Ltd., Melbourne, Australia. We manufacture potent, effective, natural Dr Wheatgrass skin recovery products and Dr Wheatgrass Supershots - products that are changing the way the world uses and takes wheatgrass.